Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some Good News for 12th Street

Office of Ward 5 Councilmember Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr.

Vicky Leonard-Chambers
202.727.8204 (desk)
202.683.9053 (cell)
Thomas Announces Median Strip on 12th Street Will Be Limited to Painted Street Markings

Washington, DC-

Ward 5 Councilmember Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr. announced today that the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has reversed its decision to install a landscaped, 10-foot wide median strip on 12th Street between Randolph and Perry Streets, NE. Councilmember Thomas, who received complaints from Brookland residents and businesses about the proposed median, met with DDOT planning staff in January 2009. At the January meeting, DDOT agreed to postpone installation of a landscaped median until further engineering studies were completed and the other potential traffic calming measures were assessed. After completing its analyses, DDOT determined that the best choice is the use of painted street markings to delineate a median strip. The option of a re-striping 12th Street to provide a 10-foot wide median between Randolph and Perry Streets, NE is one of the potential traffic calming solutions included in the Brookland Multi-Modal Transportation and Streetscape Study (on page 115)..

"A landscaped, 10-foot wide median on 12th Street would have constricted access to some of our neighborhood businesses along the corridor" said Councilmember Thomas. "In today's uncertain economy, constricting access could be the death knell to a small business. Not only is this a victory for Brookland, but also for all neighborhoods across the city trying to nurture their local business districts." ###

Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr. represents Ward 5 on the Council of the District of Columbia. Thomas chairs the Council's Committee on Libraries, Parks, and Recreation. He sits on four additional committees: Workforce Development and the Environment, Aging and Community Affairs, Housing and Workforce Development, and Public Services and Consumer Affairs.

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