Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Results on the Council vote on PR 18-0046, the Brookland Small Area Plan

Brookland Small Area Plan Moves Forward:
Thomas Requests Inclusion of Specific Recommendations in Approval Resolution

Washington, DC—Ward 5 Councilmember Harry “Tommy” Thomas, Jr. announced that PR
18-46, the “Brookland/CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan Approval Resolution of 2009,
was approved by the City Council at its March 3, 2009 legislative session. Councilmember
Thomas thanked Chairman Vincent Gray for his extraordinary leadership in shepherding the
resolution forward. Thomas also praised the DC Office of Planning for its efforts to create a
plan that promoted transit-oriented development as well as preservation of green space.
Thomas requested removal of the resolution from the Council’s Consent Agenda so that
comments and concerns about the plan could be raised and discussed. In particular, Thomas
wanted to ensure that the voice of ANC 5A was heard, and that its three areas of concern
were addressed: 1) completion of a comprehensive transportation study, 2) reassessment of
the "decking" and "fill" alternatives, and 3) incorporation into the plan community viewpoints
regarding the preservation of the Brookland Green, excessive density, and preservation of the
neighborhood’s character.
In response to community concerns, Thomas requested that the Council’s approval resolution
for the plan instruct the Office of Planning to:
• Add a notation in the plan that the District Department of Transportation intends to
update the District's transportation model and apply that new model to the Northeast
quadrant; and that OP and DDOT report back to the community on the results of the
model's application to the Northeast quadrant.
• Emphasize the option of open space along 10th Street at the Metro station by including it
as an example under the Small Area Plan Urban Design Concepts Summary.
• Emphasize its intent to work with community residents and ANCs to address design and
scale issues of proposed developments through the planned unit development process.
• Clarify how neighborhood character is protected through the vision and framework of the
“The Brookland/CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan is the result of tremendous citizen input and
collaboration with Office of Planning staff,” said Thomas. “The plan’s approval will enable
development in this important Ward 5 neighborhood to proceed with a guiding framework in
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