Monday, January 24, 2011

historic district info

A special meeting
on Historic Districts and historic preservation
is called for the constituents of

Single Member District 5A06,
is set for
Saturday, February 5
9:30 – 12:30 PM

St. Anthony’s Cafeteria,
3400 12th Street, NE

John Feeley, the commissioner for the single member district, has invited David Maloney, the District’s Historic Preservation Officer to describe the historic designation process for historic districts.

(District 5A06 is bounded by the railroad tracks on the west, 14th Street on the east, the south side of Taylor Street on the north, and the north side of Otis Street on the south.)

Call John Feeley at 202 526 8754 or e-mail him at Also log on to the district blogspot: