Saturday, October 23, 2010

Charles Drew Bridge

Dear Neighbors: I received this concern this week. - John J. Feeley, Jr.

Dear ANC 5A Commissioners,

I am writing to commissioners who have listed email addresses on the ANC 5A website regarding what I perceive to be the poor condition of the Charles Drew bridge. Every time I have to drive over it, I feel concerned. One rainy Sunday in September I sent an email to councilmembers who have any oversight connection to transportation, to the Council Transportation chief of staff and to DOT Director Klein.

Here is the email that I sent:

"I am writing about the condition of the Charles Drew Bridge on Michigan Avenue, NE, over the railroad and Metro tracks. The bridge does not look to be in good condition, and I feel concerned about its safety. Had we not seen the collapse of other bridges around the country, I might not be alarmed. However, I know that many of us who go across that bridge frequently would welcome its repair and strengthening.

In the last couple of weeks we've seen sidewalk work in our neighborhood that almost looks like makework. At the same time, to my knowledge, no serious attention has been given to the well-traveled Drew Bridge. Repairing that bridge would respect the memory of Dr. Drew and improve safety for citizens who cross the bridge. President Obama recently announced support for infrastructure projects. The repair of the Drew bridge is an infrastructure project calling for attention in our long under-served neighborhood.

I and many neighbors request that you who have an oversight connection to transportation and infrastructure please inspect the bridge for its safety conditions and, hopefully, prioritize it for upgrading. I welcome any responses you have.

Thank you for your consideration."

I received a reply from Director Klein that evening stating: "I am not aware of safety issues or any structural concerns with this bridge. Having said that, let's get the latest rating information from our bridge team so we all know the latest assessment. We look at all bridges every 2 years btw." Terry Bellamy of DOT followed up with this: "I am asking our SBM team to investigate and make necessary cleaning. I am also directing our Bridge Engineer for a structural rating update on the structure."

Councilmember Thomas wrote that he "would continue to follow up with the director re these concerns." I was copied on an email from Councilmember Catania to Director Klein asking to be kept informed about the bridge. A month or so has passed since I first contacted them, and I want to follow up. As I was thinking about it, it occurred to me that you ANC commissioners ought to be informed of my exchange and the fact that some of my Ward 5 friends and neighbors are concerned about the bridge.

I had occasion to run into Charlene Drew Jarvis, and I told her about our concerns and contacts with councilmembers and DOT, and she said she would follow up.

I hope that some of you and your constituents share concern about the Drew bridge, and I'd be happy to follow up with any of you.

Best regards,

Jane Huntington

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